Phone Numbers

Here at Neutral Numbers we can supply the following numbers types for your use, numbers are held with us on your behalf and can be connected to any telephone system service provider or terminating point of your choice.

Local Numbers

Do you need a local telephone number for your new business, no matter where you are we can provide this to any termination point required.

International Numbers

We can supply and terminate an international number for you giving your international customers local access to your business.

New Zealand 0800 and 0508 Numbers

Increase business by offering a 0800 or 0508 toll free phone number for your business, your customers will thank you.

National Numbers

These are phone numbers in ranges designated to be reachable from an entire country at the same price anywhere in the country as a local phone call.

Australian 1300 and 1800 Numbers

Increase business by offering a 1300 or 1800 toll free phone number for your business, your customers will thank you.

Mobile Numbers

Contact us to find out how we can help you with purchasing mobile numbers that can terminate to any termination point.

Numbers can be connected to our network in a variety of connection methods, in most cases we can have you up and running in hours not weeks, we can also port your numbers to us and you will never need to port them again, contact us for further information.